Amy Tan Mother Tongue Analysis

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Amy Tan and her mother essay Mother tongue story has two main characters, which are Amy Tan and her mother. Amy Tan is retelling this story that shows the difficulties and conflicts in her mother’s life when she moved from China to the United States. Her mother left China in 1949 because of the communist revolution. Tan was always shamed and embarrassed of her mother language and attitude when she was communicating with others. Tan’s mother was counting most of the time on her girl. Every time she wants to treat with people, and she could not treat people in positive ways. The reason why Amy Tan wrote this story is to tell people the communication difficulties that her mother had faced in her life in the U.S. Tan’s mother English did not improve,…show more content…
The biggest problem that Tan’s mother had was her language, and it was because of the type of English she spoke at private sphere. One evidence of that is when Tan says,” a different sort of English that relates to family talks.” (Tan 59). That means Tan’s mother did not try to learn diverse vocabularies while she was at home, or did not tried to learn some new particular sentences. Moreover, that reflected to her thought in Chinese way. For example, when she wanted to order from banks or any other departments they were trying to ignore her or treating her poorly. Whole these problems are because her English could not be able to understand, and she had a lot of grammar mistakes. Sometimes she could not choose the right word in the right situation. In addition, Tan repeated the word “broken” (Tan 62). many times to show people how her mother’s English was terrible and not understandable, and the bad English that she used might leads to bad attitudes or let people treat her in badly…show more content…
For instance,” I was forced to ask for information or even to complain yell at people had been rude to her,” Tan said. (Tan 60). That is telling us her mother was depending on her daughter to do things for her mother. Because her English was not that good and her morality also were not except able, she asked Tan to help her and treat people rudely. Additionally, Tan said,” I had to get on the phone and say in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing.“(Tan 60). “She used to have me call people the phone to pretend I was she.” (Tan 60). That shows us Tan lied to people and pretend as if she was her mother or a boy to help her mother and get her out of troubles, so Tan’s mother could not live without her daughter’s

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