Examples Of Courage

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The Merriam- Webster definition states courage as; “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” It is a summarized definition that just scrapes the surface of such an elaborate adjective. Courage is such a diverse topic with many different forms which makes being courageous accessible to everyone of all ages. In an article written by Steven Kotler tilted “Courage: Working our Way Towards Bravery,” it breaks down courage into 12 varying editions. However, three were outstanding examples that break down what courage is? And what it takes to be brave in this endless world. To begin, courage’s most perceptible form, known as “Physical Courage”, allows those who are brave enough to take risks,…show more content…
Regardless of your age, gender, or ethnicity, anybody can demonstrate what Kotler calls, “ Empathetic Courage.” But on the contrary, very little of this can be seen in the world. People like charities, animal rescue groups, natural disaster service groups, and veteran support groups are some of the few examples seen. As much as those groups help, which they do, the courage could very easily be performed by every single person out there. One just has to have” the ability to feel deeply for another being.” Correspondingly, people just needs to care for people; that could be supporting someone in a time of loss, embracing those who don’t have a home, or as little as giving a homeless person their spare change. It is remarkably simple to idolize the chacter trait, as long as somebody is willing to care for someone…show more content…
But it is one of the toughest forms of courage there is, having the ability to risk someone else’s life for a bigger cause than just themselves. It takes a true leader to embody this character trait, and not just anybody could embrace it. The most obvious examples can be seen in the military personnel, they go out onto those battlefields not knowing if they’ll come back but are willing to make a sacrifice. They are the true heroes of the world, being able to make such a brave choice. But the other way to look at “Battle Fortitude”, is the willingness to take chances with one's own life. It is the most difficult form of courage to fully embark on, to have the heart and soul to risk making the ultimate sacrifice of one's own life. The examples of this type are harder to come by, but there are people who show this remarkable characteristic. Such as, moms, they have to endure incredible pain in order to give birth to their infants. They are sacrificing and risking so much in order to expand their family. Furthermore, the police and firemen of the world are also risking a great deal for the better good of the community. Despite it
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