Examples Of Unhealthy Relationships

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Specify HEALTHY ways you could respond if... 1. You are a woman and your boss always notices what you wear and makes comments about how you look. If it is your boss who is doing the harassing then an appropriate way to handle the situation is to write him an appropriate letter explaining that their actions make you uncomfortable and for them to please stop, then keeping a copy of the letter yourself. 2. You see a female friend walking down the hall and a group of guys are whistling at her and making obscene gestures. She is telling them to stop, but they are not listening to her. If you feel safe in doing so you should interrupt the harassment and tell the group of guys to stop. 3. Your coach places her arm around you every time you are…show more content…
Also by being cautious around your date, especially when you two are alone. 15. Give at least three examples from your own observations or experiences of unhealthy friendships, families or other unhealthy relationships. An example of a unhealthy friendship would be when I was in Jr. High and I became friends with a girl who I got along with because we laughed at the same jokes on the internet and watched the same shows, but then she started making jokes about kids at our school and I joined in. At first I thought it was harmless because nobody knew, later I realized that what we were doing was bullying and I thought that it was okay because my “friend” though it was okay. An unhealthy family experience I’ve had was with my cousin, she is 4 years older than me, so when I was in Jr. High she was a senior in high school so she was much more advanced while I was barely starting to get used to the environment of lockers and 8 class periods in a day. So she would bring her friends over and I became exposed to this older crowd talk and actions which made me think that bad things were cool, like smoking, drinking, and using slurs to talk to…show more content…
The reason why I stayed in that first toxic friendship where my friend and me made fun of other kids was because I thought it was a normal thing because it just seemed so innocent. So I think being in a unhealthy relationship would be very similar, you’d think “Oh this is normal, I’m pretty sure all couples go through this.” Though in reality, at some point we all have to wake up and realize that what’s happening is not normal it is wrong and harmful, and the longer it takes to realize that the worse it will
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