Argumeative Essay: Adoptive Parents Should Get Matrality And Paternity Leave

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Adoptive Parents Should get Maternity/Paternity Leave An Argumentative Essay by Nina Blanton Adoptive parents need to know who their new children are, and they can’t do that if they need to go straight back to work. Children need to know who their new parents are, and they can’t do that if the parents have to go straight back to work. There is a law called the Family Medical Leave Act, which allows leave for adoptive families, among other situations. “The FMLA allows people that have worked for a lawful employer for at least 12 months take up to 12 weeks of leave from work. Even though it is unpaid, you'll still receive benefits and won’t jeopardize your employment.” (American Adoptions, date unknown). “The FMLA, the first law signed by President Bill Clinton after his election in 1993, is an excellent example of recent national policy designed to help employees navigate the complex shoals of the work-family conflicts.” (National Partnership, date unknown)…show more content…
There is also a chance that they have never been parents before. When somebody has a baby or child in their lives many adjustments need to be made, and it takes time to navigate those changes. Parents need time to adjust to their new lives, biological or not. If biological parents get maternity and paternity leave, why shouldn’t adoptive parents? It is very important to have maternity/paternity leave because adoptive parents have to stay in the child’s home state for at least 5-7 business days, and that would be a LOT of overtime for anyone, let alone people planning on having a new child in their

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