Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Service

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In the age of the Internet, where connectivity and ideas of integrated networks become more and more commonplace and necessary even, many traditional ideals have been transformed to keep up with the times. In terms of the military, striving to keep up with the technological advancements of the Internet age has become more pressing than ever, and with the enhanced connectivity and integrated communications networks it brings, taking the next step and evolving into a Joint Warfare-based military seems to be the natural step to take. I would postulate that it is not only natural, but necessary even, for militaries to embrace the idea of a joint service, and seek to integrate their forces together to fully utilize and tap into the vast resources that technology brings. The advantages of a joint service clearly and significantly outweighs its drawbacks, which will be discussed further.…show more content…
land versus land, sea versus sea etc, we utilize asymmetrical warfare to deal with different aspects more efficiently i.e. air versus land, air versus sea etc. A symmetrical engagement of the enemy will only result in a victory if we have overwhelming advantages in terms of technology or numbers, hence through asymmetrical engagement of the opponent, not only do we eliminate the need for overwhelming numerical and/or technological advantages, we can reduce the force and resources committed as well as minimize risk and casualties. This idea of asymmetrical engagement can be well utilized given a joint operations command, where commanders can utilize any resources possible, be it from the Army, Navy or the Air Force, without restrictions. Having the resources of all three forces at their command allows for better decision making and the possibility of asymmetrical

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