Aristotle's Groundwork Of The Nicomachean Ethics

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How does Aristotle define human nature? What is happiness, according to Aristotle? What is the golden mean? What is phronesis, moral virtue, (VI.13)? Please formulate your response in your own words, and support the analysis of Aristotle's text with citations from the Nicomachean Ethics. According to Aristotle, human nature includes specific goals and a definite end.Happiness is the ideal for human being. It is something we aim for.It is attainable through being virtuous that is to be a human well. The golden mean mean is the desirable between two extremes. According to Aristotle, it “is a mean, then, and in what sense it is so, and that it is a mean between two vices, the one involving excess, the other deficiency, and that it is such because its character is to aim at what is intermediate in passions…show more content…
Please provide a brief synopsis of Aristotle’s argument, defining moral virtue and practical wisdom, before developing your own response in form of an argument. Do you agree or disagree with Aristotle’s…show more content…
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. MI pp. 1-14. What is good will, according to Kant? Support your analysis with a citation from Kant’s work. According to kant, good will is the only unconditional good. It is not necessarily the same as good hearted. It is wholly determined by what is called Moral Law. It is duty and doing what is right. It is distinguished from the agreeable law that it is only “valid only for the senses of this or that one, and not as a principle of reason which holds for everyone” (4). The more perfect the good will is the more it would be “subjective to objective law” but the feeling only is true to the one that holds the good will.” (5) What is the relevance of the distinction between a hypothetical and a categorical imperative for moral decisions according to

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