Qualitative Research In Research

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sciences study. There should be given adequate attention, evaluation and public support for basic research, which in turn can significantly promote the quality of applied research in various fields. The research that is focused on the quality of its outputs and related effects can be called qualitative research. Qualitative research may require approach, technology and methodology that have more an innovative unstructured nature; methods that are more "sensitive" to the socio-environmental context; methodology that is more radical and inductive (e.g. long-term observations, video analysis, innovative analogy, unstructured expert interviews etc.); information that contains more complex and detailed data, more comprehensive, specific and valuable…show more content…
In academia, we can find two extreme possibilities of qualitative research: qualitative research based on analysis/synthesis/comparison of quantitative data and of qualitative data. It is usually necessary to combine both these options, especially when the more complex and long term research is perfomed (Ryan, 2005). The advantage of using quantitative data in research is the availability of faster, more accurate information. These are usually obtained by deduction, and have better controllability. Qualitative data may require more teamwork/expert assessment, induction, visualization/ interpretation/testing, exploring their individual and group context, etc. But usually, they have higher information value regarding the conclusions/benefits of research, and thus the better impact on quality of research results. Just this type of research can be significantly „weakened“, when accelerating the…show more content…
The survey was based on the division of the best academic research results into 67 groups (resp. Evaluation units). The assessment itself was carried out in 15 panel discussions, as well as cross- panel discussions, by the nature of research. The rated research findings were classified into 5 categories (the world's quality, internationally excellent quality, internationally deductible quality, nationally deductible quality, and unclassified research). The evaluation of the academic research quality in the UK was considered as the most comprehensive in the history (RAE 2008, Kenna – Berche 2011a, 2011b). The differences between traditional and expert evaluation of research quality were significant. For this reason, the research quality evaluation systems and the subsequent allocation of investments in the UK are primarily based just on this methodology – RAE, while this assessment is repeated every five years. Of course, by this method is not possible to evaluate all the academic research results, but only the most significant ones. This approach also requires specific legislation, infrastructure and capacities, and it is also more time-consuming approach. But, this research assessment system ensures more accurate results as to the
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