Happiness In Human Life

1006 Words5 Pages
Happiness plays a pivotal role in everyone’s life, according to Haybron, 2001, happiness can be seen in life satisfaction, but we should not base our evaluation on people’s lives very seriously since we do not know what goes on behind the, being successful. This implies that people would want the things that makes them happy in front of them because it causes their perceived satisfaction to be higher. But there is a big question mark between the two’s relation, if it has a direct relation or a parallel one. Success measures the happiness that a person feels, though this can change since this topic is still being researched on and more information are yet to be discovered. In this conceptual paper, the significance of success in happiness and vice versa will be discussed in order to find out how this affects the human brain and life in general. According to Diener, King, & Lyubomirsky (2005), income, community involvement, social relationships, organizational citizenship, friendship and social support, marriage and romance, and health, all contribute to human happiness. Positive feedbacks that a person gets from these contributions are…show more content…
There are two personality traits that can create a significant variance on happiness which are extraversion and neuroticism. Extravert people are more likely to control their social relations easier and quicker and use their positive feelings more than the negative. While neuroticism are people who are more likely to be moody, angry, anxious, and negative towards their feelings. It shows that extraversion leans towards health promotion while neuroticism leans to health reduction. Therefore, extraverts are more credible to be successors than those of the neuroticism people, because it promotes a more positive output for the person to have, not just in the workplace but as well as being at home or in
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