Reflection Introduction To Literature

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This spring semester of 2017 I took the course Introduction to Literature 2341-16 with Dr. Rivera. This was a challenging course for me at the beginning, since reading and writing has never been my favorite things to do. However, with effort and preparation I could overcome my weaknesses and be able to succeed. Reading is one the hardest things for me, but surprisingly this class changed my appreciation for reading. I used to not read the assigned reading in view of them being boring and also when reading I become easily distracted by anything. The lack of reading affected in my quizzes, I could give clear explanations in my answers because I did not know what the story was about. To be honest, I was a procrastinator, I read while I do my quizzes…show more content…
As mentioned before, my taste for reading is not the best, but after reading the short stories and poems from this course I enjoyed reading. Specially the poems with a Hispanic culture. I have always been proud of my culture of being a Mexican-American, and share traditions from two cultures. However, I did not know I am part of a specific race called mestizos. I learned this after the discussion in class of the poem “To live in the Borderlands means you” by Gloria Anzaldua. I enjoyed the discussions in class of these poems because I kind of feel related to them. This poem make me realize the truth about mixed cultures. I am proud to say that I am a mestiza of Mexican-American nationality. This objective was easy to understand by the fact of making discussion in class of the different cultures that the stories…show more content…
To me this objective means to comprehend how historical moments influence the story and to understand the time and setting of the story. This objective was not that difficult in my situation, if any work was based in a historical moment I could identified. For example, “A Raisin in the Sun” is a story that contains the historical event of the Great Migration. The parents of Walter migrate from the south to the north-east in look for better opportunities. As I answer in my Quiz #5 the setting and time of this play was “The authorial time of this theatrical drama is in the 1950s when African Americans were migrating to the urban North.” With knowledge of history and analyzing well the stories I was able to understand this
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