Evidence Based Practice Research Paper

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DEFINITION OF EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE Evidence-Based Practice has been integrated the healthcare organization for over two decades because of its importance. Evidence-Based Practice is the conscientious explicit and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decision about the care of individual patients. (Sackett, Roseberg, Gray, Hayes & Richardson, 1996). This definition was the earliest acceptance for EBP. (Sackett D et al. Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM, 2nd edition. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2000, p.1), defined it as the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Other research suggests Evidence Based Practice as applying the best available research results…show more content…
1. Identify and formulate a clear review question: The first step is to ask clinical questions in PICO. It aims at answering clinical questions. (P) population (I) intervention (C) comparator (O) outcome. Provides effective framework for identifying information relevant to a clinical question. Clinical questions are of two type background question and four ground question background questions are questions with base knowledge that ask what and when. Examples of background question. • What is an ulcer? • What is the best method to prevent pressure…show more content…
In essence, are the result of the studies reliable as it was done the best possible way. • What is the result of the study? • Will the result help in answering clinical question . Example for appraising evidence for brain injury patient . How useful is a brain injury review on younger children. 4. Implement the evidence within the practice: Implementing evidence is integrating clinical expertise, patient preferences and values with the evidence. Research evidence can not only provide justification in clinical practice. Clinical expertise, patient assessments, laboratory information as well as patient preferences and values are important variables of EBP for making clinical decisions. 5. Evaluate the impact of the evidence: Evaluating outcomes of EBP practice or changes, based on evidence, aids in understanding the outcome of the decision. Hence, the positive outcome can be supported why negative results remedied. One advantage of evaluating implemented evidence is that it helps in spotting flaws and identify which patient are most likely to benefit. For instance, result that differ from reported research literature, monitoring and evaluating can help determine difference among patients. Barrier in implementing Evidence Based

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