QSEN Competency Of Evidence-Based Practice

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QSEN Competency of Evidence-Based Practice The QSEN faculty and advisory board members define the competency of evidence-based practice (EBP) as the integration of “best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient and family preferences and values for the delivery of optimal health care” (Cronenwett et al., 2007, p.126). Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing in 1860 is considered a pioneer in EBP, as she shared observations and clinical experiences on cleanliness, nutrition, and fresh air to improve patient care. Forward to current times, the use of evidence to guide nursing practice is now expected from professional nurses and health care organizations (Peterson et al., 2014). Studies show that EBP can contribute to developing…show more content…
Implementing evidence-based practice in the work field has become one of the mandated current standards of practice (Winters, & Echeverri, 2012). The American Nurses Association calls nurses to use best available evidence, such as research findings, to guide practice decisions (Winters, & Echeverri, 2012). This follows the decision of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to include EBP as one of the five core competencies that every health care clinician should have, regardless of his or her discipline (Winters, & Echeverri, 2012). IOM also identified there were educational deficiencies related to the incorporation of EBP in educational curricula (Winters, & Echeverri, 2012). This led the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, which guides baccalaureate and graduate nursing education curricula, to include EBP as one of the six competencies nursing programs should assist nursing students to develop (Winters, & Echeverri,…show more content…
According to Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), nursing students should possess knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes, and be able to describe evidence-based practice and its components (Cronenwett et al., 2007). In regards to attitude, students should have an attitude of appreciation towards the strengths and weaknesses of the scientific bases for practice. Value the need for research and quality improvement and understand that evidence-based practice as vital to defining best clinical practice (Cronenwett et al., 2007). Skills necessary include being able to effectively collect data and research, follow Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines, and recognize that an individualized care plan is based on patient values, clinical expertise and evidence (Cronenwett et al.,

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