Direct Evidence-Based Practice

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As a CNL graduate master's-prepared nurse generalist, I was prepared through my program to deliver and direct evidence-based practice (EBP) at the point of care level, evaluate patient outcomes, and assess and anticipate risks, trying to improving the overall coordination and delivery of care for certain population of patients at the microsystems level (AACN, 2007). Evidence-based practice is an imperative approach in nursing to provide the top quality of care to patients and their families (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 2005). Further, evidence-based practice enhances patient outcomes, research has proven the difference between patients who receive care based on evidence outcomes as compared to traditional practice, experience nearly 30…show more content…
EBP can be used as "a problem-solving approach to practice that involves the current best evidence in making decisions about patient care" (Sigma Theta Tau International, 2006) Nurse scientists developed EBP movement, through models to organize nurses thinking about EBP. Responding to those early movements by nurses, a number of EBP models were developed to understand various aspects of EBP. The ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation (Stevens, 2004) was developed to bridge the gab between comprehensive approaches to translate evidence into nursing practice (Stevens, 2004). Although, I am very familiar with other nursing theoretical and knowledge framework of EBP, The ACE Star Model of Knowledge is new to me. In my current practice as the digestive disease coordinator, I am responsible for assuring that evidenced-based standards of care for digestive disease patients are met as required by The Joint Commission, and other regulatory agencies. Moreover, the Digestive Diseases Nurse Coordinator is responsible for program development, planning, organizing, implementation, assessment, patient flow, and performance improvement of the service line. In addition, is responsible for the quality performance of the digestive diseases program staff and physicians, all this cannot be done without consistent systematic review and retrieve the EBP through the

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