Ethical Issues In Banking

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Introduction Over the past few years, BBB has been exposed to failings and acquired blemishes to its reputation. Ross Andrews, the new CEO of BBB Bank, has the opportunity to revive the prospects, operations and image of BBB during a defining time for the future of UK banks. This report will investigate past and present issues within the Bank and will offer guidance to ensure BBB has an effective and balanced board of directors, a sound system of internal control and addresses the ethical issues that are concerning the bank. Ethics – Mis-selling, incentivised sales and codes of professional conduct Recently, the banking sector has been heavily scrutinised over their values: mis-selling has come into the public eye as banks enter the finale…show more content…
In unethical cases like these, it’s not just about what has happened, it’s about the manner in which it has happened. Described as “by far the UK’s biggest mis-selling scandal” (Which, 2014), the repercussions to PPI shook the financial world. With almost all medium and large sized financial institutions (including BBB) guilty of mis-selling PPI, there are critical lessons that must be learned from the wrongdoing surrounding the banking…show more content…
The internal controls which would be vital to enhance are operational controls, compliance controls, risk management and how information is obtained and monitored. BBB’s culture is determined by the actions of the board, and one way to promote a responsible culture is through internal controls. Below are steps to ensure a sound system of internal control within BBB: 1. Risk management Due to the nature of banking, there will always be risks, and subsequently banks will always be taking risks. Therefore, it is vital that risks are identified and constantly supervised, throughout all areas in the bank. This assessment should cover both internal and external aspects, and it should be determined which are controllable by BBB, culminating in either acceptance of the risks or mitigating the risks. On account of the constantly changing nature of the financial world, the current risks should be regularly re-evaluated and new risks should be identified. 2. Internal controls and separation of duties Control activities are used to undertake the mitigation of risks identified in risk management. Not only do they need formulating, but it needs to be checked that the controls are functioning and are being adhered to. These controls should

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