Union Assurance Case Study

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Union Assurance is one of Sri Lanka’s largest providers of life insurance solutions in the country. Anchored by a team of experienced and dynamic professionals, a strong capital base and reinsurance partnerships with highly rated global reinsurers, Union Assurance offers a wide range of tailor-made insurance products and services that are of international standards. Our vision is to be the most sought after provider of insurance solutions. In order to live our vision we constantly review our product portfolio to meet the changing needs of our customers. The Union Assurance brand is positioned on the promise of “trust”. We strive to deliver this promise by being transparent in our dealings with our life insurance customers, offering convenience…show more content…
Management in its broadest sense is defined as “getting things done through and with people”. Culture has been identified as a significant determinant of ethical attitudes and management style of business managers worldwide (Weaver and Agle, 2002; Christie et al., 2003).Some researchers have argued that irrespective of culture, western business ethics must be adopted to trade and survive in today’s global business environment (Biswas, 1998; Weaver and Agle, 2002; Kanagasabapathi, 2007). However, it has been shown that firms in emerging economies tend primarily to draw on indigenous cultural values and practices to develop corporate strategies, management practices, and business ethics to succeed (Bergeret al., 2013b; Viswesvaran and Deshpande, 1996). While western thought promotes the idea that action is propelled by individual drives, the Vedantic philosophy common in India views the role of personality with its internal predispositions for motivation, as secondary to societal considerations in guiding…show more content…
Unsound judgment due to inadequate training and/or supervised experience, or due to ineffective selection, causes unethical practice; since self-interest is not a primary factor, the behavior of the psychologist is not unethical (Milton Schwebel, 1995). Unethical behavior traditionally has been examined from a social learning perspective (Fallon & Butterfiel, 2012). Unethical behavior is commonly defined as behavior ‘‘that violates widely accepted (societal) moral norms’’ (KishGephart et al. 2010, p. 2), such as the norms regarding professional conduct or norms regulating interpersonal relationships in a variety of social settings. Unethical behaviors are study because unethical behavior violates social norms and social norms exist for purposes of aligning the interests of actors in social systems, unethical acts are often, albeit not always, antisocial in that they harm the relationship or the social system Irina (Shteynberg , Gelfand & Schmink,2012). The meaning of unethical practice is outlined and causes of it are suggested, primarily relating to individual perpetrators and organizational culture or climate (Crob c et al,

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