Ethical Code Of Conduct

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Objective 1:To reveal the purpose of ethical codes of conduct -Generalization… Ethics as defined by (source:) is a set of beliefs concerning the appropriate courses of action or conduct. It is normally considered as conduct that is good for individuals or society in general. Ethics establish duties and obligations that people owe to others including the society. These typically appear in a form of rules or principles that are either established by authority (government, employer, professional association, etc) or….. The study of business ethics has emerged as a specialty along with the genesis of the idea of “social responsibility”. The idea itself has been actively promoted by the rising public interest in consumerism and environment, and…show more content…
The codes themselves are usually initiated and developed by the top level of the organization that are majorly based on the past misconducts with an intent to minimize and prevent their occurrence in the future. In order for the code of ethical code of conduct to be effective, its creators should ensure that its content functions as a discouraging factor for employees to commit unethical acts whilst also being complemented with the relevant description of consequences and procedures for discipline and sanctions if those acts happen to take place within the organization. If the sanctions are absent the code of ethics becomes a list of pities that the organizational members are expected to follow. Sometimes an organizational code of ethics may envision expectations that go beyond the legal formalities, meaning that employees may involuntarily manifest such matters as morality and honesty. According to Robin Bowen (2010), in Ethics and the Practice of Forensic Science, codes of ethics have two primary…show more content…
The previous section has discussed what a code of ethical conduct is, in this part the author will -How do various philosophical approaches lead to the creation of ethical codes of conduct (Virtue Theory; Deontology; Utalitarianism..) -Arguments For and Against Ethical Codes of Conduct Despite the main purpose of codes of professional ethics- to ensure ethical behavior, these documents are however in the center of controversy. Some suggest that codes are merely unnecessary and pointless, and others believe that they are useful and important. For example, Ladd (year: characterizes the nature of ethical codes of conduct as something that “serves no good purpose whatever”. He argues that ethics should be open ended or in other words flexible, and that being guided by a code of ethics will blur the line between law and ethics. As cited by ( the source) he further argues that “it is mistaken to assume that there is a special ethics for professionals which is separate from the ordinary human beings within a moral society.” This position can be better explained by the belief that professionals do not have any particular rights or duties that can be separated from duties if viewing them as moral persons, and therefore according to Ladd codes of ethics do not succumb to any logic, and can be considered as

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