Business Ethics In Business

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In the context of economic globalization, businesses not only have access to a lot of opportunities but also finished faced many challenges. Business means the company to pursue profits and economic progress but does not mean the business despite all to achieve their goals. Therefore, the issue of business ethics is in place for each company and create a code of ethical conduct is a vital strategy. However, creating a code of ethical conduct besides brings advantage for the company, there is some evidence that developing codes of ethical conduct in an organization also have some drawback. First of all, business ethics is not derived from the eternal absolute truth, but from the business practices of every business in every society and in every…show more content…
The exploitation of natural resources must also be reasonable in order to protect the ecological balance, avoid hazards, disasters for humans. Every business needs to develop a code of ethics conduct effectively as well as ensure all employees understand and comply with the principles of business ethics. Enterprise is responsible for guiding the implementation of all members and regular inspection, assessment code of ethics and constantly improve the ethical rules. Construction and development of business ethics is a process that requires the commitment of all members of the…show more content…
It is not easy to develop a code of ethical conduct because it will take a long time to form and adjust, which depends on the culture of the corporation, the current situation and the direction for the development of the company. One of the disadvantages of a code of ethics is that it requires the full support and effective management. If the person or department that create the rules, decided to apply the personal views of their own ethical companies, which can cause confusion at work, or more seriously, it can start undermine the entire corporate culture. For example, the leader of company is also the creator of the code of ethics, then the rule will tend to be biased to one or more individuals in the family or in the class leaders in the company, sometimes tolerated for misconduct. In other cases, company has to hire an ethics staff to responsible for researching, drafting, creation of ethical principles consistent with the company, besides, ethical policy should constantly updated to reflect the changes in workplace law and changes in corporate culture and obviously, the cost to implement this is expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, ethical businesses may not have access to many strategies as unethical businesses. In a period of economic crisis, when the market requires companies to accept the implementation of unethical behavior, ethical companies can not accept unethical
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