Architecture Contributions In Roman Architecture

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Introduction. Actually, the arch is one of the single most important architectural discoveries in human history, and we have the Romans to thank for it. The Roman arch was the foundation of Rome's architectural mastery and massive expanse of building projects across the ancient world. It allowed the Romans to make bigger buildings, longer roads, and better aqueducts. The Roman arch is the ancestor of modern architecture. Basic Construction of Arches An arch is an architectural form that controls the pressure from the weight of a building in a specific way. The arch directs pressure downwards and outwards, creating a strong passage below it that has the capacity to hold up heavy structures. This is called compressive stress, because the shape…show more content…
When roads or pipes needed to cross an area without level terrain, say a valley or river, an arcade of arches gave them the support they needed to sustain their weight off the ground. This was extremely important in the development of Rome. Without bridges to connect their roads, the Roman army would not have been able to march across Europe, expanding the Empire. Aqueducts required a consistent, gradual slope so that the water could flow through them naturally. This slope had to be consistent for possibly hundreds of miles, which would have been impossible if the Romans could not elevate and support the aqueducts. Rome alone required hundreds of miles of aqueducts to provide enough fresh water to its massive population. Used by the Romans: Buildings Romans also incorporated arches into their buildings. The Romans were very fond of using massive buildings to house certain events or facilities. For example, the basilica was an indoor temple, meeting place, and court of law. Roman basilicas had to be large enough to hold hundreds of people, often had multiple levels, and were tall enough to still feel airy and spacious inside. In buildings, the arch allowed for the construction of domes to cover wide areas and vaulted ceilings to add height. Not only did the arch become a prominent feature of state buildings, but it was a cheap way for average people to build stronger and better homes for themselves as

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