Cochrane & Company Case Study

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“Organizational citizenship is founded in large part on a commitment to stewardship. Stewardship…means acting on behalf of others. Stewards seek to serve the interest of the organization and followers rather than pursuing selfish concerns” (Johnson, 2016, p. 383). Our mission and core values, along with several other formal cultural artifacts, support this approach to corporate social responsibility. For example, unlike many of our organizational peers, Cochrane & Company does not remunerate most employees on a commission basis. The conflicts inherit in our sales process between writing insurance policies (makes sales) and managing risk (not making sales) is very high. By rewarding employees based on the outcomes of their team and the organization…show more content…
These efforts have even sparked partnerships with the local utility to facilitate free electric vehicle charging stations to promote alternative transportation methods. The list of artifacts contributing to ethical engagement continues, however there are also several aspects of organizational life at Cochrane & Company where improvements can be made and a clear decoupling from ethics exists. As a privately held family organization, the president exercises complete control and, at times, he exerts an agency theory centric approach that leads to compartmentalization by the leadership on decisions that may be better served by more effective debate on the impacts to additional stakeholders. This interpersonal dynamic has led to various realities within our organization differing from the generalized company norm laid out in the mission. For example, a small number of teams operate with a much higher degree of individualism and others are remunerated on a commission basis, despite the public assertion by the president of the inherit danger and conflict in this…show more content…
An organization’s culture, and by extension is ethical basis, are not fixed in place. “Culture is dynamic, in that is can evolve with new experience. This change can occur in two ways: as the result of a clear and present crisis…or through a managed evolution under a skilled and sophisticated manager” (Christensen, 2006, p. 2). It is in the combination of my explicit and implicit roles that I have the opportunity to become a more effective leader. I would like to extend myself beyond the “I.T. guy” boundary and contribute holistically to the organization, expanding my sphere of influence beyond the realm of the individual contributor into areas of organizational impact such as team learning, mentorship, professional development and corporate citizenship. In this manner, I believe I can contribute to the further ethical transformation of our organization. From my vantage point leading an internally focused team, I have a well-defined opportunity to model dialogic processes and engaging my colleagues to increase the physiological safely of each team they interact with. Modeling this behavior, as well as providing resources to promote effective knowledge sharing will promote team learning over individual learning. It is my intention for this team learning process to “spill-over”

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