Essay On Young Person Education

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In my opinion I think that any child or young person education would have a big impact on their life because of all the different types of ways that they can be educated in from the way that they get taught even to the area that they learn in. The positive ways of any child or young person having a private education would mean having lots of funding because anyone knows that children or young people who get taught in private schools have the best education and because of this there is a better opportunity of choices for young people of a number of universities, In my opinion I think that any child or young person education would have a big impact on their life because of all the different types of ways that they can be educated in from the…show more content…
When it comes to small school the positive impacts are that there are a higher staff due to the ratio with the children and because there are a lot less pupils this means that there are better closer relationships with both pupils and teachers however the negative impacts are that there is a larger age gap because of the different age range, less funding because the school is so small so people think that funding is not needed so this would also mean a lot less options and opportunities for all children to have and this could then have a very negative impact on their
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