Essay On Robust Knowledge

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Robust knowledge is defined as knowledge that has evidence and is not able to be questioned. I developed this definition by looking at the word “robust.” The word robust means “having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness.” Robust knowledge can have many different meanings. It could mean knowledge that can withstand time or knowledge that cannot be disproved. Through this, I was able to create a definition that would relate towards Theory of Knowledge. Robust knowledge can be applied to every day and to practical aspects of life. This question also asks, to what extent is robust knowledge gained through a consensus and what extent is robust knowledge gained through disagreement? We must investigate both aspects in depth as well as when used…show more content…
Robust knowledge is very helpful because the Natural Sciences (like biology, geology, chemistry, etc.) helps us understand the world and its features. Like theories, the world is very multidimensional, complex, and elaborated. Through disagreement, between claims and counterclaims, people have been able to come to an understanding of certain attributes. With this in mind, disagreements are not always negative but can be helpful. There is an innate need to hear the other side of a debate. This came from the Hegelian dialectic which was created by philosopher Hegel. The Hegelian dialectic has three stages. The thesis, which gives rise to the reaction. There is also the antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis. Finally, there is the synthesis, which is formed to resolve the tension between the antithesis and thesis. The purpose of this process is to arrive at the truth with the exchange of logical arguments. It is a means of extracting the truth. Using the Hegelian dialectic, we are able to test knowledge with both disagreements and agreements. Knowledge is robust if it can survive criticism. If it emerges with consensus, it is robust; otherwise, it will not be considered knowledge at all. Hegel stated that the purpose of dialectics is "to study things in their own being and movement and thus to

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