Leadership Concept Analysis

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The Leadership Challenge: Five Concepts The purpose of this essay is to discuss five concepts from The Leadership Challenge that furnish the essential elements to further develop my approach to leadership. First, I’ll offer an introduction to the five concepts I have selected. Second, I will discuss the value of setting the example through shared values and the impact of language (Kouzes, J., Posner, B., 2012). Third, I’ll address applying your past experiences in order to visualize future possibilities. Fourth, I’ll focus on taking risks and the value of small steps in challenging the process. Fifth, I’ll examine strengthening others by building confidence and education. Sixth, I’ll weigh the usefulness of feedback and recognition.…show more content…
There is an innate sequence of the concepts selected that fits my leadership style. Clarity comes with self-awareness in allocating time and effort by setting the example for others. You are establishing what is the highest priority through this action. It prepares you for imagining the possibilities by examining your past experiences and applying the positives to the current environment. Through this process of reflection, you connect the past and the present to generate initiatives and ideas. Moving forward, this process bridges to experimenting and taking risks. “Making extraordinary things happen in organizations demands a willingness to try new things and take changes with new ideas” (Kouzes et al, 2012, p. 188). Subsequently, to bring about extraordinary things, individuals need aptitude, competence, and assurance to attain the goals envisioned. Finally, recognition of the individual’s successes and feedback on their contributions that continue their personal development in addition to advancing the organization’s priorities. Through proficient use and practice of these concepts, a leader discovers the possibilities of realizing positive results consistently. It is a strong starting place for acquiring and practicing all of the commitments discussed in the

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