Migrant Malaysian Economy

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The first impact of the influx of a large number of migrant workers on the Malaysian economy is the air pollution increase. If the migrant increase, the population increase. The net migration in Kuala Lumpur is 25700 from 1991-1997 (Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, 2015). One of the major effect on contributing on air pollution is increasing in population. One of the major factor that contribute to air pollution is increasing in population ( Azeez, 2009). This means if the population large, the motor vehicle used will many that contribute to air pollution. According to the SMURT-KL Study, in 1997, there is air pollution in Kuala Lumpur because of car pollution ( Mohamad & Kiggundu, 2007). All this can cause effect to the people that is people…show more content…
One of the factors of the workers shortage is the local workers do not want to work in these areas of manufacturing, construction and agricultural. Day after day, it become an eye opener as the shortage problem effect everything else like economy. An action was taken by taking immigrants to work on the areas. Also, local workers become very selective in selecting their jobs because they want a job that are better than those job areas. In their terms of their job that is better and meet their forte are job that does not include very difficult things, dirt and very dangerous. All these causes creating opportunities to the immigrant to take a job since they are not selective and labors shortage would be solved. “Besides, the rapid development of industrialization and manufacturing activates also leads to the issue of labors shortage at all level” ("Foreign Workers And The Malaysia Economy", 2004/2005). It would be wise to take action of taking immigrant as their workers because immigrant will help in getting profit and maintain the performance. Immigrant are easy to recruit and also immigrant accept if their boss give them a low income. Local workers were being offered higher wages than immigrants but immigrant’s wages are higher than wages…show more content…
So Malaysian need to attract them so that there are big inflow of migrant worker. Malaysian need to maintain and improve economic performance like increase the productivity of business that can increase the economic performance and even promote innovation to create new jobs and available for the unemployed people or improve the technology to have a higher productivity. Most of migrant worker come from a country that is not good as Malaysia in terms of economic performance such as Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam and effect their quality of life. “Due to greater industrialised and improvement of economy in Malaysia, there has been a massive rural-urban migration drift, which in turn lead to a serious shortage of workers. Hence, foreign worker was attracted to work in Malaysia.” (UK essays, 2015). As a multi- lingual and cultural country, the multi-ethic people in Malaysia mainly from Malays, Chinese and Indians can live together in a harmony lifestyle. (UK essays, 2015). This is why immigrant attractive to Malaysia. All this things need to be maintained. Malaysia need to expose and emphasize that living in peace effect the country like expose at social media, have a campaign and have an activities that include all races that get them close so that they can get

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