The Pros And Cons Of Permissive Parenting

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Among the various jobs that anyone can choose from , parenting shall always be the hardest yet the most important . Once you are in you must be up to responsibility. From Diana Baumrind's point of view , a clinical and developmental psychologist researcher , parenting is subdivided to three styles Authoritarian (Too Hard) , Authoritative (Just Right) and Permissive (Too Soft) . However ,we can't generalize those definitions as this classification doesn't necessarily fit all cases, as everything has pros and cons . By shedding the light on permissive parenting, it can be clearly noticed that there are various ways to measure permissiveness and this variation leads to different outcomes. It is no doubt that parents are free to choose how to…show more content…
As they grow older in harder times they will realize that internal happiness is not as easy to gain as it was and ironically they would turn up the unhappiest and they might be subjected to depression . Parents were the sponsors for their happiness , anything they dreamt of is immediately between their hands , but this can't be always the case as not everything in their parent's control. Children of permissive parents also suffer from lack of self-regulation , as those children are used to wish fulfillment . Hence , self control is the last thing they could think about and this explains the reason for their aggressiveness concerning what they can't reach . Despite the fact that the internet became a daily use necessity yet children at young age mustn't be left without censorship while using it to block any inappropriate content they might face that can cause serious psychological disorder…show more content…
Though the evolution of technology is the remarkable development of this century , yet it forms a serious threat to children of permissive parents whom have no restrictions on anything and pushed by curiosity they can be easily deceived by online drug dealers .A study conducted in America on children ranging between 8-14 pointed out that the reason for juvenile delinquency is working parents , pretty much like permissive parents whom have no time for their kids but just confirm to all requests, it also shows that "25%" drank alcoholic beverages, more than "18%" smoked cigarettes and "13%" smoked cannabis . Another outcome that stems from absence of supervision is excessive television usage which is also related to permissiveness , according to a recent British study applied on children aging between 10 - 11 years old , kids of this style of parenting have five times the risk to watch television for more than four hours per day which will not only affect their eyes but also their mentality being subjected all the time to fiction and fantasy programs . In normal cases , parents prevent eating junk food regularly but in permissiveness case they are allowed to do whatever they want as long as it will cheer them up , that is high childhood BMIs are spotted in this style of parenting

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