Essay On Online Advertising

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Online Advertising Plan The main reason we make an advertising is because to build and increase brand awareness of our product with potential buyers and also to introduce our skin care product to customer so that they can understand more and attract to buy it. Besides that, we want to position our company in industry and our presence known to target audience. There are many ways to advertise product or services and one of it is online advertising. For our skin care product, online advertising is the best alternative to promote or advert our product. Online Adverting, also called online marketing or Internet advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. Besides…show more content…
For our company, we used web banner or banner to display our advert. Banner ads which is a graphic image used on web sites which come into views on all sorts of web pages and different significantly in appearance and subject matter. Most of user will attracted and clicks on it which takes them to the main website of our product. Besides that, we use floating ads. Floating ad it is a kind of advertisement in which an ad moves across the screen or float above certain contents. Users may click the ad and visit the company website. Nowadays, news feed ads also most popular tools that every organisation use to advert their product. News feed ads, also called sponsored stories typically exist on social media that offer a steady stream of information updates in regulated formats. Our product advertisements are intertwined with non-promoted news that the users are reading through. It can be of any content, such as promoting a website, a fan page, an app, or a product. Lastly, our organisation use mobile advertising tools because is mobile advertising an indispensable column of a successful online marketing strategy since mobile internet users are growing

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