Management Creativity In IKEA

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Management creativity comes in six forms: essence, elaborative, expressive creativity, entrepreneurial, existential and empowerment creativity. This essay seeks to explore how these various forms of creativity are applied to the IKEA. Essence Creativity From humble beginnings as a small home ware supplier, IKEA has truly revolutionized the furniture retail industry with its radically new concept of furniture retailing. Before its conceptualization, people viewed furniture shopping as a painstaking task because their decision would follow them for decades. Traditional retailers created furniture that could last a life time and designs were often dull. However, IKEA had been a game changer. Not only did it changed the industry’s traditional view of furniture, but has also…show more content…
Moreover, IKEA and other stakeholders have collaborated to quicken the pace making Better Cotton a tradable commodity. Members include mainly international companies and NGOs. WWF A global conservation organization that aims to minimize the negative impact on the environment through sustainable methods such as the use of renewable materials and reducing pollution and waste consumption. IKEA collaborates with WWF on projects that emphases on sustainable forestry, climate change and cotton production. Such efforts of corporate social responsibility empower its external stakeholders and the society at large. 5 Dimensions of Creativity: Amazon Problem Sensitivity Known as the world’s largest online retailer – selling almost everything, Amazon started out primarily focusing on selling books. Amazon’s inception came about when Jeff Bezos noticed that the Internet was growing at a rate of 2300% and decided to set up his own e-commerce business without any prior retail

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