Creativity In Advertising Research

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This essay is a critical analysis which supports the thesis that advertising requires creativity and should be regarded as an entertainment and art form. An in-depth look will be given into the various different persuasive and promotional functions of advertising, different perspectives of leading figures in the advertising industry, changing patterns in consumer behavior, the impact of digital technologies on media consumptions, advertising saturation and creativity as a gendered construct. To understand how advertising and creativity should be regarded as an entertainment and art form, what these two terms mean will be explained next. Bovee (1992) defines advertising as “the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually…show more content…
As explained above, since creativity requires originality and effectiveness, an example for a creative advertisement would be the Coca Cola friendship machine advertisement. It is an advertisement about the drink but with a twist; a regular advertisement would show a person inserting coins inside the vending machine and collecting his/her drink. But in this particular advertisement, the vending machine is a tall one and the coin slot is located right at the top which would make it quite difficult for a person with average height to obtain their cola. They brought in some creativity into this advertisement by showing friends lifting their other friends on their shoulders to insert the coins into the coin slot of the vending machine which in turn, brought all the friends a lot closer. This innovative idea garnered a lot of attention and eight hundred bottles of coca cola were purchased in a short span of only nine hours which is 1075% more cokes than those purchased via a regular vending machine. This example alone just proves how important and effective creativity is in…show more content…
The key components of social media incorporate innovative substance, a craving to share, discussion, openness in the middle of people and cooperation. Social media can be an extremely influential and powerful tool in the process of advertising and creativity. According to Gibbon and Hawkes (2008), social media are about “content, sharing, conversation, openness and interaction.” A proper blend of these characteristics will yield in an effective and successful advertisement. An example to show the power of social media would be a well-known social platform, Facebook. A recent study shows that “as of January 2014, 74% of online adults use social-networking sites.” (Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 2013) It is valid about the expression – There is no second chance at making a first impression. Keeping that in mind, regardless of the fact whether advertising of a product is done online or disconnected from the net, if the advertisements do not register within in minds of the audience within seconds, they are viewed as useless and fizzled. Rather, to truly emerge top of the group, the idea must be as such, something that makes you giggle, discusses it or possibly make you take a second

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