Essay On Movie Director

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Other 1. Name of Occupation: Director 2. Highlights: (Top two things you'll do in this occupation) 1. Analyze scripts and decide what sort of visual style productions they want and should have. 2. In charge of hiring actors and work with them to bring out their best performances. 3. Nature of the Work: (Brief job description of this occupation) Movie directors are responsible for the producing an on screen version of a written script, using their creativity, along with organizational skills. A career in directing movies has a lot of high pressure involved with it for example, working under strict deadlines, budgeting concerns, and balancing many personalities/ actors and responsibilities on and off set. 4. Working Conditions: (Where do people work in this occupation? Are there physical demands for this job?) Movie directors work under contract for many different industries and companies like, production companies, TV studios, ad agencies, independent film producers and theatre companies. Their work may be done in a studio or on any location. They can film scenes both indoors and outdoors and outdoor shoots can take place in all kinds of weather. There is always a demand for directors because of the industries constant want of new media entertainment. 5. Training & Education Requirements: (Do…show more content…
However, at the moment and in the future it is very hard for new graduates to find work as directors right away. Many directors start out in low positions like a production assistant. However, now and in the next 5 years if one gets this type of job, they can slowly work their way to the top. New directors in the future will probably start off with commercials, music videos, or short plays. Later, they may move on to full-length movies, TV shows, or larger theatre

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