Essay On Impact Of Technology On Business

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Technology affects us all. Technology can catapult a business into success or destroy it. The technological environment of a business is the external factors in technology that impact business operations. Changes in technology affect how a firm will do business. Although technology trends seem to come and go quickly, some have a lasting impact on business. These are ones that change the way businesses operate and provide huge improvement for those that adopt them. Such technologies help firms become operationally agile and responsive, increase efficiency and improve outcomes. Innovative technology also empowers managers and staff to operate their businesses more effectively. Some experts are now predicting that our technological knowledge will…show more content…
For example, bookkeeping functions now can be handled by software applications such as ‘QuickBooks’. Sales can also be handled automatically through contact management sites such as ‘SalesForce’. This gives the business the ability to focus on other things and cut down on wage expenses. Technology allows for the management, collection, and reporting of your customer data. There is no better purpose for a business than to provide a good experience to customers and technology helps provide the resources needed to manage customer data. Customer data can be used for customer service activities, marketing, product development, customer surveys, and to improve the activities that are needed to make your customers satisfied and enjoy dealing with your business. Though we like the advantages that come with technology at work there are many ways in which technology can impact negatively on a business. The use of social networking sites at work can cause a lot of distraction and it affects the productivity of employees. Some companies have decided to block access to specific websites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, because of the distraction they cause. Other business technologies which cause distraction at work include smartphones, computers and virtual meeting applications like

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