Is Google Making USupid Analysis

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Social media has influenced society so negatively, to the point where people are posting pictures of their personal business in the bathroom. It has affected American Society negatively by, having a huge impact on personal behavior and the unhealthy learning advantages people have. In the article Meet Your iBrain Small and Vorgan state that "Besides influencing how we think, digital technology is altering how we feel, how we behave" (348). It's all we begin to think about, whether it is receiving a text or an email, even a Facebook notification. You can't just sit there and not answer your phone, sometimes your body can't even resist it. Your device is like this little think you worship, it can possibly be taking over people. In todays world,…show more content…
It also can affect us negatively in the long run. In the article Is Google Making Us Stupid? Carr states that "I'm not thinking the way I used to think." He says that throughout the past ten years his mind has lost track. He has become so used to searching and using the internet. He states, "The Web has been a godsend to me as writer" (337). The internet is taking away our ability to think and doing all of the thinking for us. We are becoming lazy and "stupid" because we have all the information we need in the palm of our hand. It's taking away our ability to concentrate and to actually think. we keep this up it will only take a year to become a doctor because we'll just look up everything in a quick second. We sit there and read a book and can't even concentrate for more than ten minutes without going to listen to music or shoot a text. How could we solve this problem? Form study groups with people that are serious and use their resources wisely, instead of just using the copy and paste button actually…show more content…
I first asked, what is their favorite device to use. Her response was, "My favorite device? Well, it has to be my iPod touch, I use it allll the time, especially when I go running. It helps me get into my zone and I can't part without it. Its like your favorite book, you can't part without it." My next question was from my roommate, I asked her how often does she use her device, and how many times a day. Her answer was someone shocking being as I don't even use my phone that much and I never realized how many people actually use the phone so much. "I pick up my phone about once every two minutes, mostly when I get a text or a snapchat. When I post a picture on Instagram I use if for about an hour straight because every time a person likes the picture I like to go to their profile and start looking through their pictures and that usually leads to being on ten other people's profiles creeping through." I was getting somewhat of the same responses so I decided to ask someone I knew personally, my mother. I asked her if she thinks technology is useful and does it benefit todays society. She told me, "Well I think that it is helpful but people are just over exaggerating with it, its ridiculous. Sometimes it is helpful because when we go out to festivals and carnivals people just carry a small swiper on their phones. So it depends on what kind of technology we use
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