Essay On Human Bones

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There are 206 bones inside the human’s body and are classified into five different types according to their shape: long bone, short bone, flat bone, irregular bone, and sesamoid bone. The long bone is a bone that is longer than it is wide and more cylindrical shaped, disregarding the size of the bone. Examples of such bone are the humerus bone in the arm and the femur bone in the thigh. They work as levers and move when muscles contract. The short bone is cuboidal – equal lengths on all sides – in which are found in the carpals of the wrists and the tarsals of the ankles. In general, they give support and stability. The flat bone is thin and curved, and examples are the shoulder blades and the ribs, which perform as connectors for muscles. The irregular bone doesn’t have a specific classification or characterization, such as the vertebrae, which protect the spinal cord from compressive forces. The sesamoid bone is a small, round bone looks like a sesame seed. These bones are formed in tendons (connective tissue that attaches bones to muscles) where huge pressures are applied to a joint. An example is the knee. Their main function is to help the tendons overcome compressive forces. Bone is composed of two major constituents that…show more content…
According to the Bone Strength: Current Concepts review article, highly mineralized (high percentages of hydroxyapatite) bone is stiff and brittle, yet requires less impact energy to fracture. This is because there is a direct correlation between the strength and stiffness of the bone and the bone mineral density; however, there is an inverse correlation between the bone stiffness and the ultimate strain. Experiments have proven that adding minerals to the bones from 5-8%, can improve the overall bone strength up to 60% and extend bone fatigue life by
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