Charles Dawson In 'The Piltdown Hoax'

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Introduction A complex nexus of science and social behavior, anthropology refers to the study of humankind that functions to explore different cultural characteristics and the history of mankind. The following essay will be revealing the biggest paleanthropology fraud in the 19th century by examining the infamous case named “The Piltdown Hoax”. There have been a multitude of controversy and criticism surrounding this particular topic, but this essay will focus on a paleoanthropological point of view to explore the evidence supporting the guilty role of Charles Dawson in this hoax (Figure 1). Similarly, evidence against Dawson’s culpability will be examined, especially in relation to the participation of other anthropologists and scientists…show more content…
Bemstein expands upon Mr. Walsh’s statement and pointed out that Dawson is eventually able to put all doubts and challenges to rest by finding the missing parts that led critics to question his findings (Bernstein). For instance, there was a challenge to the Piltdown Man saying that it is come from the same animal. Despite that fact that it would take up a period of time for a professional archeologist to find the missing parts; Dawson, who was an amateur archaeologist at the time, always managed to pullout an “astonishingly well-timed new discovery” (Bernstein) to refute his critics. Henri Fairfield Osborn even said that, “If there is a providence hanging over the affairs of prehistoric men, it certainly manifested itself in this case” (Bernstein). On the other hand, Dawson should be responsible for exposing the location in which he discovers the other parts of the remains of Piltdown man; yet, the location of the discovery was suspiciously undisclosed (Bernstein). If Dawson rightfully discovered the Piltdown Man’s remains, he ought to have nothing to hold back, but to eagerly provide every detail of his findings to prove the authenticity of the Piltdown Man. There is only one explanation for his behaviour – Dawson completely fabricated this

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