Transcontinental Railroad Freedomism

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There are many freedoms and rights granted to us,some of which were fought for such as the first few amendments after we,The US beat the British or when women finally were allowed to vote.Even fighting against discriminatory laws put in place by racist people like blacks being told to celebrate the emancipation of the US from the British when the blacks were still slaves to the whites.But during the 1800’s some of these rights and amendments were kept from immigrants and slaves,even basic human kindness was kept from them as they were looked down on as inferior races to the whites,that notion was proven wrong as you’ll find as you read this essay. An example of these freedoms and the inequality shown to the minority classes is the historical narrative “Building The Transcontinental Railroad” by Iris Chang.The story focuses on the building of the railroad to which it gets its name in its name, as well the treatment and part that the Chinese immigrants had in its creation which,despite what the people of the time would tell you,was major as Chang describes throughout the reading.Chang start off by quoting “America The Beautiful” and stating the mindset of the time which was the belief of Manifest Destiny,the belief of expansion the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable,and then goes on to explain that to build this railroad would be treacherous and frustrating as the land was unsettled and they lacked a reliable transport,which led to a protest by white male workers who wanted more money for their work leading to the idea of hiring the migrant workers who were a cheaper alternative and,it was found,was more efficient.She goes to say that the prejudice against the Chinese didn’t start with the men but the…show more content…
An interesting title in a freedoms and rights essay,a speech by Frederick Douglass named “What To A Slave Is The Fourth Of July” to which it addresses the whites are telling the blacks(whom at the time are still

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