Military Values In The Army

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As an officer in the US Army, you have to have the right character. This includes combinations of attributes and values that allow you to execute, make decisions, and influence others to follow in your footsteps. A leader must be competent in knowledge and skills to be able to execute their position effectively. In leadership, you must be able to encompass all of these attributes and be confident to lead others along the way. Leadership is defined as influencing individuals through the process of providing them with purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish missions and improve the organization. A leader is the one who sets the path in order to influence others to accomplish organizational goals. The foundation of your military career…show more content…
Factors that make up a leader’s core are empathy, warrior ethos and the army values. Empathy is crucial in being a leader in order to assess your troops and be able to identify with their feelings and emotions. The better you are to identify with your subordinates, the better you can lead, care for, and take care of soldiers and others. Set values that are central to leadership are: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. The army values are the standards and principles that are considered fundamental to every soldier. They help differentiate from wrong and right in any situation and are valuable in the mission. The warrior ethos are internal to every soldier and represents the profession of…show more content…
Mental agility is needed in order to be able to anticipate and adapt to changing situations on the fly. They are able to make these decisions after many failed attempts in order to stay organized and get the mission completed. Leaders must be able to improvise when faced with conceptual impasses and be able to make accurate, logical choices. In making these choices, they pull from multiple perspectives and approaches to conceptualize and get the mission done. Mental agility is the flexibility of the mind that allows leaders to adapt to their adverse environments and be able to make competent decisions under

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