Essay On Healthy Eating Habits

874 Words4 Pages
Healthy Eating Practices for the Senior Population As people age, their bodies require extra care and attention to ensure that health and vitality are maintained. The number of calories one needs begins to decline, making it important that every calorie consumed is filled with the necessary nutrients aging bodies require. Many seniors notice that as they slow down, they need more rest and specific foods to feel energized. The diet one keeps as they age can make a big difference when it comes to longevity and energy, making it imperative that the right foods are included in one’s everyday lifestyle. Unfortunately, there are a lot of choices to consider, and seniors may not know where to begin when building their new healthy diet. Starting Out: Foods to Avoid…show more content…
The digestive system begins to slow down, requiring easy to digest foods that won’t cause a lot of strain on the stomach. Fried food contains lots of fat, carbohydrates, and cholesterol, making it a difficult food to digest. Those with higher metabolisms can get away with consuming this food every now and again, but elderly bodies should avoid it completely. • Processed Foods: Processed foods are those that have undergone procedures that strip them of their nutritional value in favor of additives such as artificial colors and flavors. Due to the low nutritional value of these foods, they are known as being filled with empty calories that seniors really cannot afford. Consuming these foods can also cause digestive problems over time. • Sweets: Loaded with sugar and filled with empty calories, sweets are not the best choices for seniors. These can be anything from candies and sodas to pastries and ice cream. While these foods are okay in moderation, they should certainly not be a part of the everyday diet. Eating too much sugar can increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease in older

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