Analysis Of Rebecca Johnson's And Sometimes Why

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Rebecca Johnson is a writer who splits her time between Brooklyn and Pound Ridge, New York. She is the author of the novel “And Sometimes Why” as well as a longtime contributor to Vogue. Rebecca Johnson has written about subjects ranging from Michelle Obama to losing a baby. That means she must be professional, broad-spectrum journalist. As she is an editor of the most recognized fashion and lifestyle magazine - “Vogue”, she supposed to know a lot about fashion world. That’s why I used her article “Walking a thin line” as a source for my essay. In the past decades fashion industry has changed its view of how model should look like. Designers hire extremely thin models to wear their clothes. According to Dave Fothergill, a director of the Red…show more content…
The stylist kept talking about how the show is supposed to be sexy. Then she handed her a pair of size 0 jeans, which did not fit her. In her words: “Designers say, that models are naturally thin, but these are extreme sizes.” Models themselves felt huge pressure to fit these sample sizes in order to be cast. This trend is affecting not only female, but male models as well. According to Guy Trebay, where in recent 2000 ideal male models had strong, healthy body with well-developed muscles, “the man of the moment is an urchin, a wraith or an underfed runt.” The designers who lead the way in fashion influence…show more content…
They know if they don’t fit these standards, they will not be accepted in the fashion world. Unhealthy eating habits, starvation, and exercising practices increases the risk of developing eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. A body mass index is the measurement, which takes into consideration height and weight. The normal BMI of a healthy person is 20 to 25. According to Johnson, today's working models have BMIs closer to sixteen. Ana Carolina Reston was a Brazilian supermodel. She supported her middle-class family by modeling for catalogs and fashion shows in Brazil. “When she went to China, she was told she was too fat. To get work, she thought she only needed to get thinner. By 2006, when she entered the Brazilian hospital where she died at 88 pounds, she was allegedly living on a diet of apples and tomatoes.” (Rebecca Johnson) Dr. Eric van Furth, the clinical director of the Center for Eating Disorders criticized the designers saying that the fashion industry should feel more responsibility for the health of its models: ''The way they are presenting their guidelines really shows they are not acknowledging the seriousness of the problem of eating disorders at all.'' (Wilson,

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