Eating Out Thesis

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Abstract College students tend to eat out a great deal. Why is that? The researchers hypothesis was that Anne Arundel Community College has countless amounts of food/restaurants around the school that students may see on television commercials which intrigue them to eat the restaurants' food. Sometimes students don’t like food that they have at home enough to bring to school or they think there isn’t enough food to bring to fill them up, which makes them want to spend their money elsewhere. The researcher has conducted research in the form of surveys of 5 questions for 10 people, 5 females, and 5 males, in addition to natural observation and online research to find out why this happens.…show more content…
As said before about bringing my friends Lyric and Damon out to eat, almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I am typically the only one who brings food from home, not all the time though. I try hard to save my money, as I do have a job, but I do admit that it is very difficult to do so because there are so many interesting things I would like to eat, or wear, or just to have. Parents should teach their children how to save money. It is good to help them understand, unless parents don’t even understand how to themselves, the importance of saving their money, rather than spending it on food. Now every once in a while should be fine. Sometimes people like to spoil themselves, but also, think about what eating out too much can do to your body. America is known for its obesity, and no, it’s not all to blame for fast food, but it is part of the blame. “Lack of exercise and too much food are not only making us fatter, they’re leading to increases in other diseases,” ("Why Is America So…show more content…
Then why do people still spend their money eating out instead of eating healthy? I guess you could eat healthy out too, but what are the chances of that happening? Everywhere I bring my friends Lyric and Damon, I see people get burgers, chicken sandwiches, etc. with, of course, all the sides that come with, like fries and such. People, like myself, typically do not think about what spending money on food can do to you. Who knows if there is any possible way that spending money on food can happen less often. Spending money is what people do, it is a way of life. I always say to my mother “Life is not free, and that sucks.” We all have to pay for what we want, and sometimes even for what we don’t want. College students should really think about how this affects them and try different ways to cut down on their eating out habits and focus on what is really important.
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