Malala Yousafzai: Women's Influence On The World

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The influential people are many around the world. Nowadays, women influence the world much more as men. There are many powerful women as: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, IBM’s Ginni Rometty, HP’s Meg Whitman and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. Etc. Most of them are successful, rich, powerful people. However, there is a teenager who influences the world by her way, without power, money, and she still change the world by her brave, Malala Yousafzai. Malala Yousafzai, a story that was overshadow by other powerful, wealth people, celebrity and politics. Malala Yousafzai was born in 12 July 1997 in Pakistan. She is the teenager who dare to risked her life to learn which that I could never brave enough to do. This Pakistani girl…show more content…
She was living in Swat Valley of northwest Pakistan, where the local Taliban banned girls from attending school, but she still went to school every day by her school bus. On the 9 October 2012 she was shot on her school bus: “A gunman asked for her by name, then pointed a pistol at her and fired three shots. One bullet hit the left side of Yousafzai's forehead, travelled under her skin through the length of her face, and then went into her shoulder,” CD EUDNews. I felt shame by myself because I have everything to go school, and my family support me, encourage me to learn, but I am still lazy some times. How can a little girl dare to risk her life for education? She is a symbol of studious, perseverance, and brave in my mind. I wonder why people want to kill a little girl only because she want to learn. Malala Yousafzai has a good profile with eloquence, wise, intelligence and logic. Her story is not just simple as a girl was murdered by terrorist group, but also make chain reaction all around the world, a human right fill with light and hope to girls across all continents, especially for girls who are unlucky to be born in the country where terrorists trampling on human right. After Malala Yousafzai

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