Essay On Functional Food

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Functional foods play an important role in daily life as they impart positive effects on health. Foods obtained from fruits and herbs are considered beneficial as they are rich in phytonutrients thereby execute vital functions in maintenance of health and prevention of diseases. Nowadays, consumers are more focused towards health boosting products due to increased awareness regarding healthy diet. Consistent ingestion of these foods are interconnected with lower incidence of various degenerative ailments (Kim et al., 2011; Engelhard et al., 2006). Due to varied phytochemistry, some frequently available fruits and herbs possess significant in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity (Dahan et al., 2008). Furthermore, array of confirmations has sustained the point that natural bioactive moieties contribute meaningfully in disease prevention (Glidzczynska-Swiglo et al., 2006). Recently, poor dietary behaviors are accountable for several health related disorders present in the developing countries like Pakistan. Processed foods are preferred among the population owing to their convenience in use and palatability. The unhealthy diet pattern and sluggishness…show more content…
Lower intake of calcium, potassium and fiber contribute to gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory disorders, cancers, allergies and degenerative diseases. Worldwide, use of therapies by the help of nutraceutical and functional foods opposing various ailments is getting priorities as compare to other medicinal ways. Also these functional and nutraceutical foods are low in cost and easily manageable by poor’s and they are far safer the other medicines in term of side effects. Functional foods normally provide more than 50-450 percent benefits than conventional foods. (Rajasekaran et al., 2008; Sakarkar & Deshmukh,

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