Zero Tolerance Juicing Strategies

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Zero tolerance policing is a term used to describe a law enforcement approach that originated in the US to address rising crime rates (Meares, Tyler and Gardener, 2012). The term has since been applied to police operations across a range of settings and can be defined in a multitude of ways ranging from a combative form of law enforcement with a “no holds barred” approach (Grabosky, 1999), to a strategic passage designed to address the crime concerns of specific localities (Burke, 1998). In both the literature of zero tolerance policing and in the field of law enforcement, there have been many heated debates over the philosophy, mechanisms, and overall efficacy of zero-tolerance policing strategies (Cunneen, 1999; Dixon, 2000; Fuentes, 2012).…show more content…
Their thesis asserts that, just as an unrepaired broken window is a sign that “nobody cares” (Wilson and Kelling, 1982) and leads to more damage; minor incivilities such as public inebriation, vandalism and graffiti that go unpoliced cultivate an atmosphere within a community whereby more serious crimes will escalate (Sampson and Raudenbush, 2004). That is, over time individuals may feel that they can continue to commit minor offences without consequences, which may then lead them to commit more serious offences (Kelling and Coles, 1996). The main premise of the theory is that if police are seen to be targeting the numerous petty crimes that are prolific in an area, offenders will be increasingly reluctant to commit more serious offences within that specific locality (Sampson and Raudenbush,…show more content…
For example, New Zealand Police have noted that the value of specific zero tolerance tactics carefully targeted to crime types, locations, and times and crime groups (Punch, 2007). In particular, they report the value of these tactics with breaches of protection orders, aspects of criminal gang activity and recidivist disqualified drivers (Punch, 2007). Similarly police commissioners in New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory have found that the zero tolerance approach may be useful in addressing some specific issues relating to crime and management (Grabosky, 1999), but only when utilised as part of a more comprehensive approach that advocates problem solving, boundary setting, attacking crime strongholds and community apathy toward crime, as well as restoring civic pride and access to public spaces (Hunter and Borland, 1998; Cunneen, 1999; Dixon, 1999). In other words, as well as the use of carefully targeted zero tolerance tactics, Australian Police identify the vital need for complementary community policing strategies (Punch,

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