Essay On Geomorphology

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4.1 Introduction The rocks which are exposed on the surface of the earth are subjected to weathering, erosion and dissection produce different types of land forms. Geomorphology is the branch which deals the study of these landforms. According to Thornbury, W.D. (1969) “Geomorphology is a science of description and interpretation of earth relief features”. The evolution of landforms is a combined effect of climate, lithology and structures of any area. The spatial and temporal distribution of human kind impacts on the land features has been heterogeneous and the main geomorphic effects have been caused mostly by deforestation and cropping on slope. In early days, geomorphological mapping used to be carried out by conventional ground surveys using topographic maps and lots of logistic support. Apart from this, the conventional studies take lot of time, energy and manpower which make the survey costly. In modern times, satellite…show more content…
As the parallel retreat of free face and debris slope continues, their lengths decrease and pediments extend upslope at the cost of rectilinear and free face elements. Ultimately, upper slope elements mainly free face disappears and pediments extend upto hill crest. Thus, an extensive erosion surface of concave slope is formed. This surface is called pediplain, which is, in fact, the product of coalescence of several pediments (Singh, 2005, p.287). The pediplain develops from the continuous process of pedimentation. It has a flat surface, weathered zone at some places and has a thick soil cover and sparse vegetation in the study area (Fig. 4.4). In the satellite image, this geomorphic unit shows light grey tone with fine to medium texture with gentle slope. Pediment and pediplain complex covers an area about 79.31 km2 in the study area (Figs. 4.5 and 4.6). 4.2.3 Landforms of Fluvial

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