Essay On Amusement Parks

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Amusement parks or theme parks in America have been around since the 1800s, first having their start out as a pick nick destination for men to go to after work, bring their family to relax and enjoy some entertainment. Amusement parks first had a change in 1893 due to the Chicago World Columbian Exposition where they featured a display of concessions, rides and shows. This new change created a boost in the interest in the visitors and an increase of the owner’s profits. As the popularity of amusement parks grew, each new park tried to be bigger and better. Geauga Park is one amusement park that most of you have been too growing up or with your kids. Geauga Lake was located on the shores of the Geauga Lake in Aurora Ohio. It first had its starts in 1887, when the Northeast side of the lake was first opened up and held the name Pickanick Lake. It first offered attractions where visitors can “camped, fished or have a picknnic”. As the years moved on, the park added to its attractions with additions like the luxury hotel called the Kent House, the first ride of a steam powered carousel and many more additions of huge roller-coaster and oversized swimming pools where added. Throughout these years with all of the changes of ownerships and names, the esteemed love from the…show more content…
Some might argue that it doesn’t have as big of an impact on the community. These people might claim that it is a distraction to the comunit with the traffic overload and that not every family will be able to get a good benifi from it due to high prices. With all of the attention being at that area of the city, the people that live and work around that area will be effected by high traffic volumes and have a hard time getting home or to work. Over the years, the cost of a teckit to amusement or theme parks is around 91 dollars, not including the food and other extras. That is a high price to pay for a midle class
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