Explanatory Essay: Coney Island Campaign

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Explanatory Essay for Coney Island Campaign Amal Bhavnani, Antonio Cheng, Elias Mueller, Gabriel Cheng Dr. Friedman U.S History Block 4 11/01/201 Coney Island is located in the southwest of Long Island, New York City. Ironically, it is a peninsula not an island. Coney Island is famous for the amusement parks and the seaside resort. The era of coney island started in 1895, and it provided entertainment to millions of people. The heyday of Coney Island in the first half of 20 century coincided with the age of urban-industrial society in American history. The change from Victorian culture due to the industrial revolution with people working hard all day, the citizens of the United States no longer use their recreational time to do activities seen to heighten knowledge, and we see a change from people going to Central Park to get away into the outdoors to Coney Island to see the wacky and strange attractions they had. In other words they rather pay to have themselves entertained than go out into the wilderness. Coney Island provided a good outlet for the mass audience and the start of mass…show more content…
With attractions all over intended to entertain masses of people and not just people of a certain economic status, allowing the lower class to travel to Coney Island because of the lower prices and overall entertainment provided for all types of economic groups with the development of cheap entertainment and food. Coney Island was also used as an escape for women to get away from their boring lives and allowed for casual fun and scandalous swimwear. Despite the seemingly accepting nature of Coney Island there was very much racism with segregation with African Americans being forced to use different baths and use different parts of the beaches and also the total discrimination of Jews at

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