Annotated Bibliography: Sense And Sensibility

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Kate Huigens Mrs. Yanik Honors British and World History, Block 2 23 October 2015 Annotated Bibliography apRoberts, Ruth. “Sense and Sensibility or Growing Up Dichotomous.” Jane Austen. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 43-55. Print. This passage discusses the dichotomy found in Sense and Sensibility. apRoberts connects the work with the poets and shows how Austen uses writing techniques in the novel. “Sense and Sensibility really is is about the relations between sense and sensibility or, as we might put it, between Head and Heart, Thought and Feeling, Judgement and Emotion.” apRoberts also explores aspects of the novel as it relates to Anima and Corpus, Soul and Body, Head and HEart, Mind and Body. Overall, he discusses…show more content…
“At Seventeen: Adolescence in Sense and Sensibility.” Eighteenth Century Fiction 25.4 (2013): 721-750. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Sept. 2015. This article examines Jane Austen's seventeen-year-old protagonist Marianne Dashwood as an adolescent and her journey to adulthood throughout the novel. Maurer also provides insight to Marianne’s emotion, behavior, and marriage to Colonel Brandon. Maurer explains the developmental progression from adolescence to adulthood found in the novel and explores how Austen creates this coming of age story for Marianne. The article also relates how sense and sensibility intertwine with adolescence and maturity. Maurer seems to be a qualified author due to her profession as professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. The intended audience seems to be anyone who had read the novel and finds interest in the complexity of Marianne’s character. This article is suitable for my topic because it relates to sense and sensibility throughout the…show more content…
Odmark believes “that irony is above all a structuring principles that determines the shape of all the novels.” Odmark also discusses the characters’ sense or sensibility throughout the novel, the lack of characters with inner struggles, and Elinor’s point of view in the story. In addition, he discusses clear contrasts throughout the novel, Odmark writes with an opinionated tone as he criticizes the work. However, he does act as a credible source to do so due to his job editing a collection of criticisms. This passage relates to my topic in that it explores the sense and sensibility of the characters and the novel as a

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