Essay About Volunteering

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Volunteering into the Future Numerous people all over the world volunteer for multiple reasons. Whether that be to finally breathe fresh air, receive a few academic credits, or make others in the community happy, volunteering in the community has its magnificent benefits that are not seen immediately. Most benefits of volunteering take time to develop; however, the outcome is well worth the wait. Specifically, in young children and teenagers, who are impatient and feel as if their volunteering goes unnoticed. Contrary to their belief, their community service aids them in ways that take a sufficient amount of time. Because numerous students volunteer to help the unprivileged, volunteering can help shape an adolescent's future by opening the door to multiple career opportunities and by presenting a healthier lifestyle. College applications can be extremely difficult with the abundance of high school and pre-college credits and extra-curricular activities required to apply. While students are already stressed…show more content…
Communities can grow and expand through the love given from the people living within the community. Also, communities can change neighboring communities, changing the world one community at a time. Volunteering can also be beneficial for the volunteer. Volunteers can grow as well, such as developing social skills and building confidence to face the real, challenging world. Aside from the career benefits, health benefits are also associated with volunteering. Low cholesterol levels, lower body mass indexes, and less negative, more altruistic and empathetic thoughts are all caused by volunteering (Fleming). Although adolescents are busy studying for academic classes, preparing for the ACT, and being involved with extra-curricular activities, participating in a couple of hours of community service will not go unnoticed or harm them. In fact, volunteering does exactly the

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