Midwifery Personal Statement

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Ask yourself this; what could be more beautiful than bringing new life into the world? My answer is nothing. Nothing is more beautiful than being apart of the natural process of life. I believe that giving birth has got to be one of the most fearful yet life changing and important events a woman will go through in her life and I consider the most crucial factor in this case to be the care of the midwife. Midwifery became a passion of mine when my sister went into labour and had to go through this stressing and painful time without a caring midwife. I am dedicated to make sure that nobody has to go through this without someone loving by their side and I know that I have the dedication and characteristics to be an outstanding midwife. Your particular…show more content…
During my course last year, I took part in a health promotion and my topic that I was focusing on was teenage pregnancy. Whilst carrying out that project I learnt more about the challenges that midwives have to face on a day to day basis, how they overcome these challenges and the levels of care required. This gave me a very clear insight on a significant area within midwifery which is caring for young people and providing them with the best care possible. Taking part in the health promotion also helped me improve on my team work as we all had to work together in order for the day to go as planned but it also helped me improve my independent skills as we each had our own area to give students the information they required. By studying Sociology, this helped me develop my understanding about society and people and how not everyone has the same chances in life which provides me with the insight to feel empathy and not judge an individual by their circumstances and I believe that this would help me within this profession as being a midwife, you have to remain unbiased and non-judgemental when dealing with patients from different backgrounds. Studying BTEC Law has helped me gain the academic skills that will benefit me when i start at university as it helps me meet deadlines,…show more content…
My role is to talk to the patients and will soon be taking the patients out to their favourite places and doing with them what makes them happy such as taking them to their favourite restaurant, shop or salon ect. By volunteering at the home, I feel that it has expanded my interpersonal and communication skills and I feel that it also represents the committed and caring attitude of my personality. I believe that this experience has helped me be more confident when talking and interacting with people whom I may sometimes not be familiar with and I think this would help me with being a midwife as I would feel a lot more comfortable when socialising and empathising with mothers and family's whatever the circumstances. I also have a part time job in a fast food restaurant. From working within this type of environment and coming into contact with members of the public, i have learnt how to work under a vast amount of pressure. It has also improved my organisational and time keeping skills and I think that it has demonstrated the hard working side of my

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