ETH203Q: Assignment: Questions And Answers

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ETH203Q Assignment 2 Student number: 53447794 QUESTION 1 1.1) Guidance It is a process of helping or assisting learners to solve their problems. It help them to identify where to go, what to do and how to do for post accomplishment of their goals. It is a continuous process which start right from childhood , adolescence and continues over in old age. It is assistance to the individual in the process of development rather than direction of that development. It is a service meant for all: its regular service which is required for every learner. (Gouws 2002:20) 1.2) Corrective teaching Corrective teaching is when the teacher points out the learner’s mistake as soon as possible (Gouws 2002:50). The teacher should always be alert to determine…show more content…
The following guidelines can be used to identify a gifted learner: • We can identify an intellectually gifted learner by a specific IQ score and academic success in most school subjects. Such a learner has an extensive general knowledge as well as vocabularies, a good memory and abstract thinking skills. • A gifted learner can also manifest exceptional aptitude and interest in a specific academic field. For example, Simon may excel in mathematics and science but may show average ability in other subjects. • A gifted learner manifests exceptional creative ability or potential. Creative learners are characterised by their originality and innovation. They show a suppleness of thought, they are independent, and they believe in their ideas and show an unusual way of attributing meaning and solving problems. • Such learners also show leadership potential. They have the ability to influence others, usually in a peer group. They display this ability from an early age where they show authority and display social…show more content…
I will not stifle the learner’s uniqueness, conformity and creative development but rather appreciate the learner’s individuality. • Learning should begin from what the learner already knows. The unknown should be gradually taught and integrated with the known so learners canunderstand the context holistically. This will result in a secure learner who wants to participate in the learning process. • I will encourage active involvement by presenting problems to the learner and allowing the learner to find their own solutions to it. Learners are encouraged to use self-knowledge and background knowledge to solve the problem. The satisfaction that the learner gets from solving a problems results in long-lasting pleasure. • I will ask questions which arouse curiosity and a latent thirst for knowledge. Creative questioning, instead of factual based questions arouses a need to acquire more knowledge within the child’s mind. When learners are taught to ask questions, they are able to link knowledge and experience. We should teach them to find information and how to question what they hear and see. (Gouws

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