The Pros And Cons Of Fertility

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Before Science had come into picture, and people were gravely depended on nothing but Hebrews, Ayurveda’s, and such natural treatments. Fertility was considered as a blessing and infertility a curse in the Old Testament. In Israel and the Ancient Near East, infertility was considered trial or chastisement from god, and even a disgrace. Blessings and curses were very frequent occurrences in those times. Later on, when development in science started coming into picture, every problem started having a logical explanation. It started in the Egyptian Society as far as 1900 AD. They treated Women and Men as equal and not considered infertility as a divine punishment but rather as something to be diagnosed and treated. Even though their idea…show more content…
In 1898, fertilization was described as the union of an egg and a sperm. 80 years later, in 1978, the first “test-tube” baby was born in England and in 1981. Throughout the years, many reasons for infertility were found. They found that; Infertility is the inability to bear an offspring; it can also refer to the women's inability to carry the state of pregnancy for the whole time needed. There are various causes to infertility, and some also have medical treatment available. In fertility has increased by 4% since the 1980's, mostly because of problems faced during reproduction that are caused by increase in age. 40% of the problems are cased due to men, other 40% by females and the rest of 20% due to the complications in both the parents. Out of the three things that cause infertility, we are going to be talking about the specific female causes. These causes can only be found in females. For women to bear an offspring there are a few things that have to take place, such as: 1. The intercourse must take place around the time when the ovum is released from the ovary. 2. The systems that produce the ova and sperms have to be working at their best level. 3. The hormones have to be

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