Essay About Moving Away

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Humming the tune of a comforting song, I selected a piece of fruit from the arrangement. Turning around to my imbecile little brother, I generously offer a fruit. He engages into an argument with me over the fact that he wants an apple, but there are only small clementines in the tin of fruit that I am carrying. I hand the fruit bowl to my younger brother, after which I turn around, and at the same instant, my father; the driver of the vehicle turns around to my brother. I face my head downwards, but immediately after I look up. I shriek, “DAD,” and everything turned white, as though I’m trapped in a blizzard on a snowy day; but I can’t escape. “Get out of the car!” I take a jump out of the now halted vehicle, to see it almost completely totaled, the smell of burning asphalt climbing up my nose, an alarm blaring. My father, with my brother in hands, blood rushing down his face. I take a step down my neighborhood, questioning how we possibly could’ve taken a hit towards a parked car, in a twenty-five limit zone, and my…show more content…
The alarm, that which awoke my entire neighborhood. The car alarm halts its blare, but this ringing continues in my mind. The alarm which will eternally haunt me, is yelling at me, taunting me, teasing me. I prance unconfidently over to my brother who is lying on the so-called grass, which in reality, is just dirt patches by a sidewalk. I can’t speak, but everyone else is frantic, some in such awe, they simply watch. I hear three different people on the line with Emergency Medical Services, and one kind lady bringing a cold Ziploc bag of ice to my brother, who wasn’t such an imbecile at this point in time. Fortunately, he is conscious, but somehow doesn’t feel pain. I turn to the neighborhood watching us, and then faintly hear my brother grimace due to the fact that he was told he needed stitches. Now, a different alarm blares, this one to the sound of help. Police, ambulance, and fire services are now at our
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