Environmental Management Practices

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Emas and BEMP: some applications Abstract EMAS, since its first application, has evolved over time. In its last review, it promotes the best environmental management practices through the development of sectoral reference documents that have to be taken into consideration by the “EMAS-registered organizations” in assessing their environmental performance. Many organizations and companies have a wide margin to improve their environmental performance. With the aim to improve their eco-efficiency and thus its reputation and the sustainability of their business, many companies want to lower their impact on the environment. To help organizations achieve this goal, the CCR identifies, evaluates and documents best environmental management practices…show more content…
Best Environmental Management Practices (Bemps) Many organizations and companies have significant possibilities and potential to improve their environmental performance. For reasons ranging from eco-efficiency, reputation and concerns about the sustainability of their business, many of them therefore intend to reduce their impact on the environment. To help organizations achieve this goal, the JRC identifies, evaluates and produces the documents and necessary guidelines to promote best environmental management practices (BEMPs) for different sectors while in close cooperation with stakeholders. To do this, the JRC follows the so-called leader approach, namely studying the techniques, measures or actions which are implemented by the most advanced sector organizations in terms of environmental performance in each of the various areas, such as energy efficiency, resource efficiency, emissions, but also Supply Chain Management. The results of this work are sectoral reference documents (SRD) on the best environmental management practices. This activity is part of the European Commission's work towards the implementation of the Eco-Management and…show more content…
BEMP Related to the Tourism Sector Tourism is an important economic sector in Europe, in the EU alone there are1.7 million companies classified as hotels and restaurants, employing more than 9 million people and generating an annual turnover of 430 billion euro. Europe is the largest tourist region in the world, which hosts 53% of international tourist arrivals. Five European countries enter the top ten in the world for international arrivals: France, Spain, Italy, the UK and Germany. The average long-term growth rate of the European tourism sector is 2.8%. Tourists have a large environmental impact compared to residents: long travels and especially elevated environmental footprints come from their focusing often on "hot spots", where they can create local environmental pressures through the demand for development, water and energy, and mass production of waste.
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