Essay On Beekeeping

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APICULTURE: AN ALTERNATIVE INCOME GENERATION IN MEGHALAYA *D. Marngar and R.D. Lyngdoh Department of Zoology, Synod College, Shillong – 793002, Meghalaya, India *Author for Correspondence ABSTRACT The number of beekeepers in the studied villages is very less compared to the total population; the honey production in the state is very less against the demand of the markets. The beekeepers still use the traditional ways of beekeeping and thus the production is less. The total annual income from apiculture per beekeeper is very high ranging from 10% to 78.12%. The study from 14 villages showed that there is a demand for honey in the state and hence there is a need to motivate traditional beekeepers to adopt modern and scientific beekeeping practices in order to increase the productivity of honey. There is a need to motivate the unemployed youth to take up beekeeping enterprise as a means of self employment and sustainable economic source for improvement of livelihood standard. To promote the availability of various support services for bee keepers and to motivate entrepreneurs towards the establishment of enterprises for value -added honey and other product development, to create financial and market linkages. Key Words: Apiculture, Beekeeper, Honey, Income, Employment generation INTRODUCTION Bee keeping is an agro based enterprise, which farmers can…show more content…
There is a need to motivate the unemployed youth to take up beekeeping enterprise as a means of self employment and sustainable economic source for improvement of livelihood standard. To promote the availability of various support services for bee keepers and to motivate entrepreneurs towards the establishment of enterprises for value -added honey and other product development to create financial and market

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